Animals read the newspaper

Hummmm!!! The weather page says sunny and warm today.

March 8 finds the new Docents working at the Clinic with Dr Tom putting together Newspaper and wooden stakes to be put into the Animal Exhibits. This is to give the animals something different to look at and explore to keep them more interested and have a less boring life. The Papers are stapled onto the stakes and then put into the exhibits at various times during the day. The ones in with the Tigers, Gorillas, Bears, etc are done early before animals are released from their night quarters. The papers are sprayed with a scent also.
Then we watch and make a note of what the animals do and their reaction. It sometimes looks like they are reading the paper which is the intended result. The Public sometimes "gets" it but mostly asks why is the paper in there.

The Docents arrive early and set up our assembly line to get the job done. We are using the exam table in the clinic as our work area. There were more than one glitch this day with bursts of panic ,but it all worked out.

Giraffes and Gazelle spot the paper.
Wow , maybe I need glasses!!

OK, you read this one to the rest of us..
The keeper hands out treats after.

Spider Monkey seems impressed at first but then.......

pulled the stake out of ground , threw it down and walked away. I sometime want to react the same way . Later the paper and stake was in the water.

This is the Zebra keeper who was telling us about the Zebra that is expecting and what a good mother they say she is. Any day now!!

What is Black and White and "Red" all over!!!!
Answer,, Zebra reading a Newspaper....... I know , an old joke...



Michelle said...

neat! looks like you are having a fun time down there.

Dee said...

Wow. love the pictures. Blogs are the only web we are allowed to see at work, so this was a treat today. You are so lucky to be 'behind the sceens' however how much of a crisis can be just stapling newspaper to stakes? LOL kidding you.