Fabulous house and spectacular views from the "top of the mountain"
Cash loving his new walker
View to street and house below
First glimpse of house on drive up the hill
Steep curvy narrow drive
House from street below
Cash and Grandpa sharing the love.
Our bonfire everyday. Great Fire pit Dennis made.
Cash gets lots of love and attention
Still too young Grandpa.
Melissa, Courtney, Cash, Dennis, Grandma Stiak
The workout area
Landmark Thumb Butte rises above the area just west of town.
We spent every afternoon in the sunshine
Not yet Gramps
The Large boulders are just outside the kitchen window
Patio at back of the house and the view down to Willow Lake [looking north]
Hot tub with Corona keeping watch.
Melissa and Cash
Start of the long steep drive.. Thumb Butte is the focal point.

Grandpa, Grandma ,Dennis, Courtney, Cash
Stiak Family, Dennis, Courtney, Cash

Dad Dennis, son Cash
Good by Dennis, we are sad to leave.
Some of the more unusual sights, in the middle of "nowhere" there is a Round a bout. no town just a cross road in the middle of the desert. No Traffic either??????????????? We wonder why.?
Sam Hill's Cigars and Pipes
Can you read the license plate? "VICTIMS" Make up your our story about that.
Flying back to Texas we get some of the Southwest humor:
"Information card is located in your seat back pocket. For you Dallas Cowboy fans, your in luck as it is mostly pictures"
[Holding up seat belt] " This is the seat belt latch, if you don't recognize it you really need to get out more"
"Thank you for paying attention and to those of you who didn't,,,LOTS OF LUCK"
After a quick stop to pick up more passengers and running behind , trying to get people seated quickly we hear "Please find any empty spot, we are asking you to pick your seat not your soulmate"
"It is only a 57 minute flight and they all face the same way".