Wrapping up the CPA course

The last night of class.

The last night of class someone brought in a bag of donuts and we make Officers Dave Osborne and Fred Alvear pose with us. Dave Osborne says we are a "sick" group.

Hands off my donut.

Monday , January 19, 2009
Graduation dinner is held at the Lone Star Restaurant .

Officers Fred Alvear and William Bilokury

Connie and Bob attended the dinner with me and Connie renewed her friendship with Officer Fred Alvear

We will miss spending Monday nights with Officer Osborne and his off beat sense of humor..

Our cool cake.

Police Chief Danny Castellio handing out our pins and Wood Engraved Plaques..

Everyone gets one of each , there were no tests or finals to cram for in this course , just a whole lot of fun and eye opening appreciation for our police force.


CPA _ firing range

It has been a busy time and I am way behind in my blogging..I will try to catch up..

All of our activities have been exciting and enlightening..
The Citizens Police Academy went to the firing range at the Marine Military Academy ,where the instructors let us shoot different weapons and kept us safe at the same time. No small feat with this group!! We had some students who for some reason thought they knew more or just did not listen.

The first order of business was reading the safety rules.

This is Sargent Gracia showing the stance we are trying to achieve but "it did not happen" although a few came close.

Sargent Garcia says,"FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, DO IT MY WAY ",, this is hollered many times to one shooter in this group. Finally a tap on shoulder by Officer Osborne and "finger off the trigger" is repeated,,, Oh , ok,

Sargent is just shaking his head.

Threat is the word you listen for as the signal to fire your weapon.

Hold it this way. Feet apart, lean forward , bend your knees, feel the shoulder pocket, lean into it , look down the barrel, line up the site, aim, listen for the word threat, then fire!! TARGET, what target?? I am just happy I did not kill anyone. Maybe driving the cars is more my thing..

Now , Any one want to shoot some slugs?
Everyone has a different stance.

Leo and Sid are the alumni who do a lot of the behind the scenes work setting thing up and helping the students. After we are finished they get to shoot also.

For me the hardest part was reloading the clips with the maxim 15 rounds. I told Officer Osborne I know I put at least 25 rounds into my clip.

Hold the pistol the correct way or your thumb/finger will "get bit".

One thing about this class,, we do eat.

Officer Alvear spends the whole morning cooking on the grill for our noon meal.

Sargent stands behind us and shouts THREAT, and watches, we are lucky to have his expertise in our class as he is going back to work in narcotics after a 2 year break. He is a very patient and knowledgeable instructor. We also had him with us on the driving course.

Are we looking good?

Watching to learn from others mistakes and learning..

Waiting for our turn in very pleasant surroundings. The "old" shooting range was quite primitive we are told. We are the first class to get to use the Military facilities.

Finally, just before leaving Officer Osborne tells us congratulations we have achieved our objective today....yea,, but what was that we ask???

He laughed and said ,"We are all going home with only the holes God gave us". We love our Officers..


Drivers Training- CPA style

Getting to drive these cars is one of the highlights of this Academy....Every week seems to be more exciting than the last. The most fun since I was a kid. Maybe I still am. We are told this is the course the Officers drive.

Sergeant Mike Garcia describes the timed course and gives us the rules and penalties..

Hit a cone- 1 second

Hit 6 cones - you are done

Miss a lane- 30 seconds,,,,,Sometimes fast is slow and slow is fast...

We are all lost until we take our 2 practice laps to get to know the layout.

Sitting in the "starting block" on the timed course. Go! , go, as fast as you can , don't miss a lane, make a couple of 90 degree turns , come back to tricky part ..

pull into the square with nose of the car up to the double cone. Lock the wheel to the right, honk the horn, hit the gas ,don't forget to shift into reverse , back into the block like you see here, 6 inches from double cone , shift again and go as fast as you feel comfortable , watch out do not hit the cones and finish the course. Slide to a stop in the finishing block and your time stops. Whew!!!!!!!its over ?????What a rush !!!! OK, white knuckles can relax now, start to breath and drive back to get your time. Aiming for 1 minute, my time was 1:10 with one cone down equals 1:11 total.

One of my driving partners, if you are not in the drivers seat , you are riding along in front or back seat [the first time ever in the back of a police car, HONEST] helping the driver with speed and times so they can keep their eyes on the course. HANG ON..spin outs really throw you around.

What can I say??? When ask my name I said "Jane Doe"..

Driving up to the yellow line at 40MPH the light comes on with a right or left arrow, How fast can you react?? You must take the lane the arrow directs you and not hit the cones, go to end , back to center and exit.

A quick picture before the quick reaction into the left lane.

The class on this day. I would not have missed this for the world.

Cone Orange is now my least favorite color!!