The day CPA classes were over ,Mary joins Bob , Kathy and Will at the 2009 class of Docents at the Gladys Porter Zoo. It seems there is a trading the 2 legged type of animal for 4 legged ones. Not real sure which is the more dangerous. This is training to work with the Public and along side the Keepers to help care for the animals. Our goal is to Teach and Educate through Entertaining stories and facts while keeping the Animals and Public safe.
After fifty hours of classroom work with TESTS every night we learn there is a lot more involved than ever expected. Some of the book learning is way over our heads. All this behind the scenes experience changes the way you look at the Zoo.
Kathy , Will and Bob doing their shadowing on the train. Shadowing is like on the job training. On the train we learn the spiel the narrator uses and where the train travels in the Zoo. This could be one of our future duties if we chose.
Brian Henley is the Herpetarium Supervisor [Frogs, Crocodiles, Tortoises, ] . Fact: When the Zoo acquired the Komoto Dragon Brian was his handler and was very good with him, so Brian was acquired as part of the package.
Emma, with the hand sanitizer works with the Education department. She is the one who grades our papers and keeps us on track.

Dr. Tom deMaar, Senior Veterinarian [photo by Kathy]
Quote: Everything on earth has a time to eat and a time to be eaten."
Sometimes it is hard to learn and observe the Circle of Life in such close quarters.
There are many interesting and funny stories to tell. I have a whole notebook full of notes which I will call on and share with all.
On the Behind the Scenes tour we get to see food for some of the animals in the Kitchen area.
On the Behind the Scenes tour we get to see food for some of the animals in the Kitchen area.

The keepers have to rotate into the rat shack to clean and feed and water the "food"..It is no one persons job ,,,,all get to share ..
Jerry Stones , Facilities Director, curator of the Gorillas, apes Primates,and teller of the best stories...
"In this world if you don't run fast enough your someones lunch"

"In this world if you don't run fast enough your someones lunch"

We get to see the baby Pygmy Hippo , only 2 weeks old and not on view to the public yet. There will be a contest announced in March to name it. She is much smaller than looks in the photo. She is about 15 inches long.

Of course we have Phantom ,the giant Python. She is 12 feet long and weighs 87 pounds. They take her , other types of snakes , birds, and small critters to schools, TV stations , Store Openings and Civic happenings. You can book with the Zoo to have Birthday parties and sleep overs with the education Department. Any one want to sleep in the room with Phantom?

These Birds greet us each night when we enter the education building.
"Hello, Pretty, pretty bird." Whistle and loud screach when they see the Emma.

Of course we have Phantom ,the giant Python. She is 12 feet long and weighs 87 pounds. They take her , other types of snakes , birds, and small critters to schools, TV stations , Store Openings and Civic happenings. You can book with the Zoo to have Birthday parties and sleep overs with the education Department. Any one want to sleep in the room with Phantom?

These Birds greet us each night when we enter the education building.
"Hello, Pretty, pretty bird." Whistle and loud screach when they see the Emma.