Our Pier of d' Nort

May 13, 2009 took delivery of the new dock.

Friday, May 15, 2009 braving chilly weather and chilly water ..

After doing much searching on the Internet and elsewhere I found this docking system that claims a single 14 year old [or a married one] can put this in or out of the water without getting wet. This seemed to be just what we were looking for so we put our money here instead of the stock market [thought it would be a better investment].
. Not really believing the claims about the single 14 year old, Mark and Bob don waders and get into the water to do it the old fashion way and adjust the legs for water depth.
Lisa was impressed and did her best Vanna White impression.
The Company custom built the first section to fit our steel supports welded onto the sea wall. They also cut the decking into 2 foot sections so we could handle the lighter/smaller pieces.

Lisa carried the sections down the hill and onto the dock determined to do it the way the video shows. The unconvinced stayed in the water.
Snapping the end sections together ,,,,
tip it up and over and

let it drop,, SPLASH.. what fun is that..

Yahoo,,see how close they got as to where to set the leg brace.

Almost a perfect level section, just drop in the 2 foot dock sections and next year no one will be in the water.

The finishing touches are the vinyl bumpers and the new stairs with railings. We add the pontoon the next day .. Very pleased with our Pier of d'Nort.
