Spending time at the Small Mall

An afternoon at Small Mall/Perani Museum..Wow,, who knew that such a collection of treasures of old and odd items were gathered for us to reminisce over. All displays are NOT labeled or explained. There was some guessing as to what some things were used for or why someone even made such a thing. Then there were all the goodies that brought back memories.....

Also one of the unlabeled items I was drawn to because I just acquired my paddle boat. I believe it is an early racing boat , I see the hand devise turns paddles instead of using oars.

These are wooden peddle horses [like a tricycle] with medal pipes attached to a center that turns and the horses travel around on a wood track. They are self propelled and No Training Wheels..

Here is a strange combination ,, a horse mounted in a Rolls Royce. You sit in the saddle and use the steering wheel on horses neck to "drive". There is a lever to use to shift but not sure where the gas and brake are located..

This Eagle attacked Mary and Jean came to the rescue.
Who can remember the Burma-Shave signs along the highways and what a treat it was to get to the rhyme on the last sign.

Bob Perani, who owns all this lives on the same street as My Sister Carol. A very nice man.

If you come visit me we will go see this interesting Mall..

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