We left Lakeshore drive at 3 PM, Monday October 29, 2007, after saying good by to numerous people who stopped by to wish us well and say they will miss us. Bob drove the motor home and Mary drove the car. We went as far as Kalamazoo and left the motor home in Meijer parking lot and drove the car to Connie and Charley's.. Waiting for us was a great dinner of steak, salad, cheeses potatoes, corn and choice of desert.. Instead of the plan of driving back to motor home the cold weather and Connie's pleading convinced us to stay the night.
The next day Mary accompanied Connie to her Plastic surgeon to get saline injection and ask the many questions Connie has become famous for at the Doctors Office..
Bob and Charley went to Meijer and picked up the motor home. They brought it back to Dotson's and parked it in from of the garage. We all drove into downtown and ate Coney Dog's to revival those of Angelo's Coneys..Charley is very proud of what K-zoo has to offer. . Mary and Bob had to agree they were very, very good.
Back to Dotson's after a stop at Dollar General in Delton.. While on the ride Mary reaches over to remove some hair from Connie's shoulder and comes away with much more than was ever expected. Shock and surprise as more and more keeps falling.. It was like a switch was turn off and the hair was no longer attached.. There were a few laughs but mostly it was a shock even though it was expected. By the time we got back to the house it was evident what was happening and happening fast. Connie decided to move on to the next step very quickly. With only a couple minutes of sadness the scissors and clippers were brought outside and Charley remembered his days in the Army and gave Connie the GI haircut. Back inside the house we tried hats , wigs, laughed and joked to smooth the transition..
Sandwiches and chips and salsa were some of the offerings for supper.

Wednesday is Chemo day for Connie and Mary and Bob are going with her for treatment. The day starts with a talk with Doctor Lipeman who is very nice and enlighting with all of us. Getting blood drawn is an issue for Connie today and Chemo starts 1 1/2 hour late. Once it starts it moves right along and is over around 5:30. We make a stop at the mall and meet Charley at Benningans for a fun Halloween night supper. The rain starts misting as we head back for the house. Connie is so very upbeat and looks so cute in her pink ball cap.
Thursday ,Denise comes over about 11with co-op goodies for Connie and gets to tell Mom and Dad goodbye again as they leave for the warmer south for the winter. What a great visit the last three days have been. Connie has made a gorumet breakfast and then cooks beef stroganoff for us to take on the road plus many goodies for the motor home.. Denise and Connie will be going into K-zoo for Connie's shot.
Mary drives the car and Bob gets back into the "bus" until we get to Meijers and hook up the car and get milk and a few items and get back on 94 to 69 south and go as far as the first rest area west of Indianapolis on I 70. After supper of great beef and noodles, squash, a drink, TV and phone calls ,the motor home is warm and cozy so it is off to bed under the down quilt..