Pepe's on the River

Saturday, March 8 , the Movers and Shakers motivated the rest of us to get on the Encore bus they had booked and after an hour bus ride we arrived at Pepe's on the River, a "infamous watering/dancing /drinking party location for winter Texans on the bank of the Rio Grande River.

Large plates of nachos loaded with goodies were served along with pitchers of beer and Marquita's

To work off the food and drink ,the Dancing starts. Nothing can slow down the Winter Texans.

Not even shoulder surgery

Bob is looking for "swimmers " coming across the Rio Grande but ....

only spotted boats and jet Skis. It sometimes boggles the mind you are looking at the banks of Mexico where anyone could launch a boat ,tube or just swim. Talk about our unsecure border, just TAKE A GOOD LOOK..

A tired and quiet group on the way home, Is someone sleeping at the back of the bus ?..

Our waitress , Spike, yep that was on her name tag, gave Connie some inspiration...Connie is looking forward to her hair getting longer to do the color. She tried it once but she will wait for more hair before trying again.


Van-Go said...

We stopped there on our way out of the Valley, but like Harley's much better for music, dance and the free BBQ. Pepe's does have the river though.

djhauk said...

I got a little tipsy reading this bog glod, blod ummm blog

amy said...

get your drink on!! I think i recieved a Drunk Dial from this party!! U-R-WILD!!!! LOL

Kathy Dydalowicz said...

Oh, I love Connie's hair and her tattoo!!!