I have enrolled in the Citizen Police Academy classes that Connie and Bob went through 2 years ago. Half way through the 10 week course we have learned more about police work , laws and law breakers than I thought possible, best of all ,,,,I am having the time of my life doing it.

Each Monday night there is a demonstration of some kind of Police workings. On this night it was all about Tasers.. It included getting some of us students to be tasered in one form or another. No, I did not volunteer.....No one in the class got shot from a distance though the Officers tried to get someone to volunteer but there was no one brave enough after watching a video of some real "bad guys"getting zapped. They did the "drive" taser with this young man . This where they put the gun right against your body and fire. No probes enter the skin with this method . To join in the fun activities you must read and sign a 2 page release form. I still have mine!!!
Round 2 for Dena.
Learning about Tasers

Learning about Tasers
This is Dena who is a real live wire in our class. Officer Bilokury [in back with the taser] said he had to stand away as she "kicks like a mule". After this she said "can you do it again?"

Each Monday night there is a demonstration of some kind of Police workings. On this night it was all about Tasers.. It included getting some of us students to be tasered in one form or another. No, I did not volunteer.....No one in the class got shot from a distance though the Officers tried to get someone to volunteer but there was no one brave enough after watching a video of some real "bad guys"getting zapped. They did the "drive" taser with this young man . This where they put the gun right against your body and fire. No probes enter the skin with this method . To join in the fun activities you must read and sign a 2 page release form. I still have mine!!!
They did 1-3 seconds not the usual 5 seconds the "bad guys" get. As most of the injury occurs while falling [usually on your face] they have spotters hold on to you.
This young man did not know he hollered out f--- while going down and Sergeant Garcia [in red shirt] said "I did not know you spoke German".. Officer Bilokury seems to enjoy this part of his job evident by his smile in most of the photos.
The group taser is having alligator clips on the end people while locking elbows , the jolt goes through the whole group. All of their feet rose in the air at the same time.
Group two getting tasered. Note: Dana is in all the groups.. the girl is into pain!!
In Texas you can own a Taser. I have the information to order one, hummmmm...
Now comes weapons night.
We get to see the well equipped Harlingen Police Department , thanks to the drug dealers and all the money, cars , etc they get busted with. It all goes into the Police fund.
Officer Bilokury is the weapons expert this night. He demonstrates and explains for us how everything works and answers all our questions no matter how dumb they must seem to him.
The best part of all this is when we go to the firing range we get to shoot all of these and be rated on our marksmanship.

Now if all this does not excite you enough ,,on Friday and Saturday night ,from 6-10 or 10 -2 am."Students" from the class get to ride 4 hour shifts along with an Officer in his car doing his regular Patrol. You sign up on Monday in class and before getting "your officer assigned " you get to sit in on the briefing to learn what is happening that night. Talk about an adrenalin rush. You do not look at the streets of town in the same way. You learn where the drug houses and trouble spots are. The names of the street people and where the Ladies of the Evening hang out. You are there during arrests and handcuffing, the booking process and writing of reports. I was impressed with the respect the officers showed everyone and the driving and multitasking that goes on with all the equipment in the car. Going on calls, 99% of the time you are allowed to get out of the car and be at the Officers side to listen and watch everything that is happening. We have ID badges on us.

In Texas you can own a Taser. I have the information to order one, hummmmm...
Now comes weapons night.
Now if all this does not excite you enough ,,on Friday and Saturday night ,from 6-10 or 10 -2 am."Students" from the class get to ride 4 hour shifts along with an Officer in his car doing his regular Patrol. You sign up on Monday in class and before getting "your officer assigned " you get to sit in on the briefing to learn what is happening that night. Talk about an adrenalin rush. You do not look at the streets of town in the same way. You learn where the drug houses and trouble spots are. The names of the street people and where the Ladies of the Evening hang out. You are there during arrests and handcuffing, the booking process and writing of reports. I was impressed with the respect the officers showed everyone and the driving and multitasking that goes on with all the equipment in the car. Going on calls, 99% of the time you are allowed to get out of the car and be at the Officers side to listen and watch everything that is happening. We have ID badges on us.
Some things I learned,
South Texas weather allows driving with the windows down to listen to and even smell the city. You are another set of eyes and ears on patrol.
In Harlingen there are only 2 things you can not be arrested for, open container, and speeding..Everything else can put you in jail although the officers are very generous to most citizens.
,More on another blog about the actual happenings I witnessed on the streets of Harlingen .. ,
Driving a police car at the airport training course.
Attending the Active shooter day ,using paint guns and Swat Equipment..