Drivers Training- CPA style

Getting to drive these cars is one of the highlights of this Academy....Every week seems to be more exciting than the last. The most fun since I was a kid. Maybe I still am. We are told this is the course the Officers drive.

Sergeant Mike Garcia describes the timed course and gives us the rules and penalties..

Hit a cone- 1 second

Hit 6 cones - you are done

Miss a lane- 30 seconds,,,,,Sometimes fast is slow and slow is fast...

We are all lost until we take our 2 practice laps to get to know the layout.

Sitting in the "starting block" on the timed course. Go! , go, as fast as you can , don't miss a lane, make a couple of 90 degree turns , come back to tricky part ..

pull into the square with nose of the car up to the double cone. Lock the wheel to the right, honk the horn, hit the gas ,don't forget to shift into reverse , back into the block like you see here, 6 inches from double cone , shift again and go as fast as you feel comfortable , watch out do not hit the cones and finish the course. Slide to a stop in the finishing block and your time stops. Whew!!!!!!!its over ?????What a rush !!!! OK, white knuckles can relax now, start to breath and drive back to get your time. Aiming for 1 minute, my time was 1:10 with one cone down equals 1:11 total.

One of my driving partners, if you are not in the drivers seat , you are riding along in front or back seat [the first time ever in the back of a police car, HONEST] helping the driver with speed and times so they can keep their eyes on the course. HANG ON..spin outs really throw you around.

What can I say??? When ask my name I said "Jane Doe"..

Driving up to the yellow line at 40MPH the light comes on with a right or left arrow, How fast can you react?? You must take the lane the arrow directs you and not hit the cones, go to end , back to center and exit.

A quick picture before the quick reaction into the left lane.

The class on this day. I would not have missed this for the world.

Cone Orange is now my least favorite color!!


amy said...

i want to drive one! Looks and sounds nerve racking and fun at the same time!

Anonymous said...

I want to drive a police car too! License to speed - yipee. I'm in. That must have been sooo much fun.