Visit with Dennis on way to Texas


 October 2013 on our way to Texas we go by the way of Fort Benning Georgia to see Dennis.

 Entrance to the base.

 Dennis and fellow Marine "Greg" hang out in our Motel room before going out to dinner.  They were happy to be off base and have family around.

 Football, beer, skype with Danielle,, Life is good.
 Two very handsome Marines help us load the car after spending 2 1/2 days with us.  We would pick them up when they got released for the day and had them back by curfew.

 Dennis and Grandpa
 We are very proud of Dennis and all those who serve..We left the Marines in the parking lot and head southwest.  They are going to spend the day in town enjoying liberty , then will take a Taxi  back to the base by 5 PM.

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