Friday May 9, 2008
Cliff and Lavonne
Custin along with Son and Daughter In Law, Steve and Connie are on South Padre Island for 3 days. They invited us over to enjoy the Ocean view and Sound of the Surf from their 8Th floor condo. Enjoy it we did!!!
The view. Too bad you can not hear the sound of the surf. There is nothing like it. It never stops!!
Steve and Connie enjoy the poolside view ..
This is sort of like a surveillance photo shown on "Cops".
Do not even ask how far off the balcony the photographer was hanging to get this shot.
While waiting for the elevator we got quite a start when this young man got off, carrying his Whale. We later spot him making his way to the Ocean.
Wet footsteps make a pattern on the walkway.
We make our way to the Bay Side of the Island and have lunch at
Whahoo's outside patio, enjoying the view of the Causeway in background.
Paying the bill and getting ready for the walk back to the Condo. Thank You Steve.
Check out the Harley Emblem on this bike. Somebody has a sense of humor ..We got a chuckle and had a few comments about that.
Cliff, Steve and Connie walked back to the Condo and had to hold up on the safety island on Padre Blvd waiting for traffic to clear. Are they thinking about getting a Tattoo.
"Look out for the boat coming close to your toes". Oh yes, Bob, Mary and Lavonne took the car back to the Condo..
Watching this family on the Beach, they had a patio tent, table ,chairs, cooler and BBQ grill all set up . There were 7 of them and were getting ready to light the grill when along comes the beach patrol and told them no fire in that area. They spent the next 30 minutes
dismantling everything, tote it back and pack it in the truck. Then off they drive , all wearing their seat belts as you can plainly see.
Wow, I loved the photos. You have an eye for just the right shot(the footprints and the stealth photo), and the stories to go with them (the pickup family, and the Harley sticker).
i love the footprints... cute...
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